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XTC™ Hair Rejuvenation Systems were developed by industry experts with the goal of making an easy, convenient, multi-step system to help eliminate all major hair concerns. XTC™ hair systems proactively treat thinning hair, slow the progression of aging hair, and rejuvenate hair damaged by excessive heat, harsh chemicals, tight braids, weaves and extensions.



Endorsed by physicians and hair experts worldwide, XTC™ products and systems have continually been proven safe and effective for men and women of all ethnicities for over 33 years, in 30+ counties and over 1,000 locations.  XTC™ Hair Solutions synergistically combines unique product formulas to encourage healthy hair and scalp, proactively address thinning & aging hair. Combined with low level light technology, XTC ™ products are at their maximum effectiveness.  These simple, yet effective products can be seamlessly integrated into anyone's daily routine. Individually, they are quite successful; however, when combined, they are the most effective hair rejuvenation solutions available!



XTC™ hair products are manufactured using only the highest quality ingredients and were developed exclusively for Salon & Spa professionals with NO diversion.  XTC™ combines superior low-level light technology for salons’ professional use, as well as offering a variety of home devices for clients who can’t make it to the salon often enough.    

XTC ™’s proven solutions will provide your clients with easy, multi-step solutions that truly work, while adding swift revenue to your business as it is a low investment, high return business with quick residual income.